We are the teachers of the Vinton County Local School District in Southeast Ohio and wish to express our professional outrage and indignation concerning the current attitude at the state level to education. While Vinton County may be one of the economically poorest areas of the state and one of the least populated counties in the state, we as classroom teachers do not believe our students to be any less important than students in any other part of the state. It is this commitment to our students and our classrooms that prompts this letter.
As professional educators, we know (perhaps far better than teachers in wealthier districts) the importance of education in the lives of our students. For our students, education is the only key to the opportunities our state and our country provide. As a staff, we are well aware of the value of the classroom teacher, and we take our role seriously. We in Vinton County are working against crippling odds, but we can not continue to work alone. We teachers are losing the battle. We, in our district, can no longer provide our students with the key to opportunity.
As teachers of the Vinton County Local School District, we are resigned to the acceptance of certain economic realities. For us, these realities are:
•inadequate, overcrowded, antiquated buildings
•inadequate library facilities
•inadequate library funds
•inadequate lab facilities
•inadequate lab funds
•outdated textbooks
•large classes
•each bus traveling up to 80,000 miles a year
•spending $1,400 less per pupil than the state average
•no high school cafeteria
•no handicap accessibility
•salaries that do not keep up with inflation
•employee out-of-pocket expenditures for classroom materials
All of these areas of inadequacy are a daily part of our classroom experience. It is not something we read of in the newspaper. There are things however, we as a faculty are not ready to accept. We can not in good conscience as educators accept budget cuts that further constrict our ability to meet the needs of the students of Vinton County. For us, our students are the primary concern. Because of this concern we can not accept the following budget cuts from the general fund: